glget - Man Page

glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

     glGetBooleanv, glGetDoublev, glGetFloatv, glGetIntegerv - return the
     value or values of	a selected parameter

     void glGetBooleanv( GLenum	pname,
			 GLboolean *params )

     void glGetDoublev(	GLenum pname,
			GLdouble *params )

     void glGetFloatv( GLenum pname,
		       GLfloat *params )

     void glGetIntegerv( GLenum	pname,
			 GLint *params )

     pname   Specifies the parameter value to be returned.  The	symbolic
	     constants in the list below are accepted.

     params  Returns the value or values of the	specified parameter.

     These four	commands return	values for simple state	variables in GL. pname
     is	a symbolic constant indicating the state variable to be	returned, and
     params is a pointer to an array of	the indicated type in which to place
     the returned data.

     Type conversion is	performed if params has	a different type than the
     state variable value being	requested.  If glGetBooleanv is	called,	a
     floating-point or integer value is	converted to GL_FALSE if and only if
     it	is zero.  Otherwise, it	is converted to	GL_TRUE.  If glGetIntegerv is
     called, Boolean values are	returned as GL_TRUE or GL_FALSE, and most
     floating-point values are rounded to the nearest integer value.
     Floating-point colors and normals,	however, are returned with a linear
     mapping that maps 1.0 to the most positive	representable integer value,
     and -1.0 to the most negative representable integer value.	 If
     glGetFloatv or glGetDoublev is called, Boolean values are returned	as
     GL_TRUE or	GL_FALSE, and integer values are converted to floating-point

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     The following symbolic constants are accepted by pname:

     GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS      params returns one value,	the number of alpha
			      bitplanes	in the accumulation buffer.

     GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of blue
			      bitplanes	in the accumulation buffer.

     GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE     params returns four values:  the red, green,
			      blue, and	alpha values used to clear the
			      accumulation buffer.  Integer values, if
			      requested, are linearly mapped from the internal
			      floating-point representation such that 1.0
			      returns the most positive	representable integer
			      value, and -1.0 returns the most negative
			      representable integer value.  See	glClearAccum.

     GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS      params returns one value,	the number of green
			      bitplanes	in the accumulation buffer.

     GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of red
			      bitplanes	in the accumulation buffer.

     GL_ALPHA_BIAS	      params returns one value,	the alpha bias factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.  See

     GL_ALPHA_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of alpha
			      bitplanes	in each	color buffer.

     GL_ALPHA_SCALE	      params returns one value,	the alpha scale	factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.  See

     GL_ALPHA_TEST	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether alpha testing of fragments is enabled.
			      See glAlphaFunc.

     GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC	      params returns one value,	the symbolic name of
			      the alpha	test function.	See glAlphaFunc.

     GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF	      params returns one value,	the reference value
			      for the alpha test.  See glAlphaFunc.  An
			      integer value, if	requested, is linearly mapped
			      from the internal	floating-point representation
			      such that	1.0 returns the	most positive
			      representable integer value, and -1.0 returns
			      the most negative	representable integer value.

     GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH    params returns one value,	the depth of the
			      attribute	stack.	If the stack is	empty, zero is
			      returned.	 See glPushAttrib.

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     GL_AUTO_NORMAL	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2-D map evaluation automatically
			      generates	surface	normals.  See glMap2.

     GL_AUX_BUFFERS	      params returns one value,	the number of
			      auxiliary	color buffers.

     GL_BLEND		      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether blending is enabled.  See	glBlendFunc.

     GL_BLEND_COLOR_EXT	      params returns four values, the red, green,
			      blue, and	alpha values which are the components
			      of the blend color.  See glBlendColorEXT.

     GL_BLEND_DST	      params returns one value,	the symbolic constant
			      identifying the destination blend	function.  See

     GL_BLEND_EQUATION_EXT    params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      identifying the blend equation.  See

     GL_BLEND_SRC	      params returns one value,	the symbolic constant
			      identifying the source blend function.  See

     GL_BLEND_OP_SGI	      params returns one value,	the symbolic constant
			      identifying the blend operator.  See

     GL_BLUE_BIAS	      params returns one value,	the blue bias factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.  See

     GL_BLUE_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of blue
			      bitplanes	in each	color buffer.

     GL_BLUE_SCALE	      params returns one value,	the blue scale factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.  See

     GL_CLIP_PLANEi	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the specified clipping plane is enabled.
			      See glClipPlane.

     GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE     params returns four values:  the red, green,
			      blue, and	alpha values used to clear the color
			      buffers.	Integer	values,	if requested, are
			      linearly mapped from the internal	floating-point
			      representation such that 1.0 returns the most
			      positive representable integer value, and	-1.0
			      returns the most negative	representable integer

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			      value.  See glClearColor.

     GL_COLOR_MATERIAL	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether one or more material parameters are
			      tracking the current color.  See

     GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE   params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating which materials have a	parameter that
			      is tracking the current color.  See

			      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating which material	parameters are
			      tracking the current color.  See

     GL_COLOR_MATRIX_SGI      params returns sixteen values:  the color	matrix
			      on the top of the	color matrix stack.  See
			      glPushMatrix, glPixelTransfer.

			      params returns one value,	the maximum supported
			      depth of the color matrix	stack.	See
			      glPushMatrix, glPixelTransfer.

     GL_COLOR_TABLE_SGI	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether colors are passed	through	a lookup table
			      before being used	by convolution.	 See

     GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK	      params returns four Boolean values:  the red,
			      green, blue, and alpha write enables for the
			      color buffers.  See glColorMask.

     GL_CONVOLUTION_1D_EXT    params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether one-dimensional convolution will be
			      performed	during pixel transfers.	 See

     GL_CONVOLUTION_2D_EXT    params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether two-dimensional convolution will be
			      performed	during pixel transfers.	 See

     GL_CULL_FACE	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether polygon culling is enabled.  See

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     GL_CULL_FACE_MODE	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating which polygon faces are to be culled.
			      See glCullFace.

     GL_CURRENT_COLOR	      params returns four values:  the red, green,
			      blue, and	alpha values of	the current color.
			      Integer values, if requested, are	linearly
			      mapped from the internal floating-point
			      representation such that 1.0 returns the most
			      positive representable integer value, and	-1.0
			      returns the most negative	representable integer
			      value.  See glColor.

     GL_CURRENT_INDEX	      params returns one value,	the current color
			      index.  See glIndex.

     GL_CURRENT_NORMAL	      params returns three values:  the	x, y, and z
			      values of	the current normal.  Integer values,
			      if requested, are	linearly mapped	from the
			      internal floating-point representation such that
			      1.0 returns the most positive representable
			      integer value, and -1.0 returns the most
			      negative representable integer value.  See

     GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR  params returns four values:  the red, green,
			      blue, and	alpha values of	the current raster
			      position.	 Integer values, if requested, are
			      linearly mapped from the internal	floating-point
			      representation such that 1.0 returns the most
			      positive representable integer value, and	-1.0
			      returns the most negative	representable integer
			      value.  See glRasterPos.

			      params returns one value,	the distance from the
			      eye to the current raster	position.  See

     GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX  params returns one value,	the color index	of the
			      current raster position.	See glRasterPos.

			      params returns four values:  the x, y, z,	and w
			      components of the	current	raster position.  x,
			      y, and z are in window coordinates, and w	is in
			      clip coordinates.	 See glRasterPos.

			      params returns four values:  the s, t, r,	and q
			      current raster texture coordinates.  See
			      glRasterPos and glTexCoord.

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			      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the current raster position is valid.
			      See glRasterPos.

			      params returns four values:  the s, t, r,	and q
			      current texture coordinates.  See	glTexCoord.

     GL_DEPTH_BIAS	      params returns one value,	the depth bias factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.  See

     GL_DEPTH_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of
			      bitplanes	in the depth buffer.

     GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE     params returns one value,	the value that is used
			      to clear the depth buffer.  Integer values, if
			      requested, are linearly mapped from the internal
			      floating-point representation such that 1.0
			      returns the most positive	representable integer
			      value, and -1.0 returns the most negative
			      representable integer value.  See	glClearDepth.

     GL_DEPTH_FUNC	      params returns one value,	the symbolic constant
			      that indicates the depth comparison function.
			      See glDepthFunc.

     GL_DEPTH_RANGE	      params returns two values:  the near and far
			      mapping limits for the depth buffer.  Integer
			      values, if requested, are	linearly mapped	from
			      the internal floating-point representation such
			      that 1.0 returns the most	positive representable
			      integer value, and -1.0 returns the most
			      negative representable integer value.  See

     GL_DEPTH_SCALE	      params returns one value,	the depth scale	factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.  See

     GL_DEPTH_TEST	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether depth testing of fragments is enabled.
			      See glDepthFunc and glDepthRange.

     GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      if the depth buffer is enabled for writing.  See

			      params returns a single value, the name of the
			      detail texture bound to

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			      GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_2D_SGIS	(or zero if there is
			      none).  See glDetailTexFuncSGIS.

     GL_DITHER		      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether dithering	of fragment colors and indices
			      is enabled.

     GL_DOUBLEBUFFER	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether double buffering is supported.

     GL_DRAW_BUFFER	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating which buffers are being drawn to.
			      See glDrawBuffer.

     GL_EDGE_FLAG	      params returns a single Boolean value indication
			      whether the current edge flag is true or false.
			      See glEdgeFlag.

     GL_FOG		      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether fogging is enabled.  See glFog.

     GL_FOG_COLOR	      params returns four values:  the red, green,
			      blue, and	alpha components of the	fog color.
			      Integer values, if requested, are	linearly
			      mapped from the internal floating-point
			      representation such that 1.0 returns the most
			      positive representable integer value, and	-1.0
			      returns the most negative	representable integer
			      value.  See glFog.

     GL_FOG_DENSITY	      params returns one value,	the fog	density
			      parameter.  See glFog.

     GL_FOG_END		      params returns one value,	the end	factor for the
			      linear fog equation.  See	glFog.

     GL_FOG_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS  params returns one value,	the number of points
			      in the current custom fog	blending function.
			      See glFog	and glFogFuncSGIS.

     GL_FOG_FUNC_SGIS	      params returns an	array of fog blending function
			      control points.  Each control point consists of
			      two values, an eye-space distance	and a blending
			      factor, in that order.  The control points are
			      listed in	order of increasing eye-space
			      distance.	 The number of control points may be
			      queried by glGet with argument
			      GL_FOG_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS.	See glFog and

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     GL_FOG_HINT	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating the mode of the fog hint.  See

     GL_FOG_INDEX	      params returns one value,	the fog	color index.
			      See glFog.

     GL_FOG_MODE	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating which fog equation is selected.  See

     GL_FOG_OFFSET_SGIX	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether fog offset is enabled.  See glFog.

     GL_FOG_OFFSET_VALUE_SGIX params returns four values, a reference point
			      (X,Y,Z) in eye coordinates, and a	Z offset in
			      eye coordinates.	See glFog.

     GL_FOG_START	      params returns one value,	the start factor for
			      the linear fog equation.	See glFog.

     GL_FRONT_FACE	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating whether clockwise or counterclockwise
			      polygon winding is treated as front-facing.  See

     GL_GREEN_BIAS	      params returns one value,	the green bias factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.

     GL_GREEN_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of green
			      bitplanes	in each	color buffer.

     GL_GREEN_SCALE	      params returns one value,	the green scale	factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.  See

     GL_HISTOGRAM_EXT	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether histogramming is enabled.	 See

     GL_INDEX_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of
			      bitplanes	in each	color index buffer.

     GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE     params returns one value,	the color index	used
			      to clear the color index buffers.	 See

     GL_INDEX_MODE	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the GL is	in color index mode (true) or
			      RGBA mode	(false).

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     GL_INDEX_OFFSET	      params returns one value,	the offset added to
			      color and	stencil	indices	during pixel
			      transfers.  See glPixelTransfer.

     GL_INDEX_SHIFT	      params returns one value,	the amount that	color
			      and stencil indices are shifted during pixel
			      transfers.  See glPixelTransfer.

     GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK	      params returns one value,	a mask indicating
			      which bitplanes of each color index buffer can
			      be written.  See glIndexMask.

     GL_INTERLACE_SGIX	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether glCopyPixels and glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT
			      skip every other line in the destination pixel
			      array.  See glCopyPixels and

     GL_LIGHTi		      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the specified light is enabled.  See
			      glLight and glLightModel.

     GL_LIGHTING	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether lighting is enabled.  See	glLightModel.

     GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT   params returns four values:  the red, green,
			      blue, and	alpha components of the	ambient
			      intensity	of the entire scene.  Integer values,
			      if requested, are	linearly mapped	from the
			      internal floating-point representation such that
			      1.0 returns the most positive representable
			      integer value, and -1.0 returns the most
			      negative representable integer value.  See

			      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether specular reflection calculations treat
			      the viewer as being local	to the scene.  See

     GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether separate materials are used to compute
			      lighting for front- and back-facing polygons.
			      See glLightModel.

     GL_LINE_SMOOTH	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether antialiasing of lines is enabled.	 See

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     GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating the mode of the line antialiasing
			      hint.  See glHint.

     GL_LINE_STIPPLE	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether stippling	of lines is enabled.  See

     GL_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN  params returns one value,	the 16-bit line
			      stipple pattern.	See glLineStipple.

     GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT   params returns one value,	the line stipple
			      repeat factor.  See glLineStipple.

     GL_LINE_WIDTH	      params returns one value,	the line width as
			      specified	with glLineWidth.

			      params returns one value,	the width difference
			      between adjacent supported widths	for
			      antialiased lines.  See glLineWidth.

     GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE      params returns two values:  the smallest and
			      largest supported	widths for antialiased lines.
			      See glLineWidth.

     GL_LIST_BASE	      params returns one value,	the base offset	added
			      to all names in arrays presented to glCallLists.
			      See glListBase.

     GL_LIST_INDEX	      params returns one value,	the name of the
			      display list currently under construction.  Zero
			      is returned if no	display	list is	currently
			      under construction.  See glNewList.

     GL_LIST_MODE	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating the construction mode of the display
			      list currently being constructed.	 See

     GL_LOGIC_OP	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether fragment indexes are merged into the
			      framebuffer using	a logical operation.  See

     GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating the selected logic operational	mode.
			      See glLogicOp.

     GL_MAP1_COLOR_4	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates colors.  See

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     GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN      params returns two values:  the endpoints	of the
			      1-D map's	grid domain.  See glMapGrid.

     GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS    params returns one value,	the number of
			      partitions in the	1-D map's grid domain.	See

     GL_MAP1_INDEX	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates color indices.
			      See glMap1.

     GL_MAP1_NORMAL	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates normals.	See

     GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates 1D texture
			      coordinates.  See	glMap1.

     GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates 2D texture
			      coordinates.  See	glMap1.

     GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates 3D texture
			      coordinates.  See	glMap1.

     GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates 4D texture
			      coordinates.  See	glMap1.

     GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates 3D vertex
			      coordinates.  See	glMap1.

     GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D evaluation generates 4D vertex
			      coordinates.  See	glMap1.

     GL_MAP2_COLOR_4	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates colors.  See

     GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN      params returns four values:  the endpoints of
			      the 2-D map's i and j grid domains.  See

     GL_MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS    params returns two values:  the number of
			      partitions in the	2-D map's i and	j grid
			      domains.	See glMapGrid.

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     GL_MAP2_INDEX	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates color indices.
			      See glMap2.

     GL_MAP2_NORMAL	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates normals.	See

     GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates 1D texture
			      coordinates.  See	glMap2.

     GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates 2D texture
			      coordinates.  See	glMap2.

     GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates 3D texture
			      coordinates.  See	glMap2.

     GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates 4D texture
			      coordinates.  See	glMap2.

     GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates 3D vertex
			      coordinates.  See	glMap2.

     GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D evaluation generates 4D vertex
			      coordinates.  See	glMap2.

     GL_MAP_COLOR	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      if colors	and color indices are to be replaced
			      by table lookup during pixel transfers.  See

     GL_MAP_STENCIL	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      if stencil indices are to	be replaced by table
			      lookup during pixel transfers.  See

     GL_MATRIX_MODE	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating which matrix stack is currently the
			      target of	all matrix operations.	See

     GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE   params returns one value,	the maximum width,
			      height, or depth of any texture image (without
			      borders).	 See glTexImage3DEXT.

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			      params returns one value,	the maximum supported
			      depth of the attribute stack.  See glPushAttrib.

     GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES	      params returns one value,	the maximum number of
			      application-defined clipping planes.  See

			      params returns one value,	the maximum number of
			      levels permitted in a clipmap.  See

			      params returns one value,	the maximum supported
			      depth of the color matrix	stack.	See
			      glPushMatrix, glPixelTransfer.

     GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER	      params returns one value,	the maximum equation
			      order supported by 1-D and 2-D evaluators.  See
			      glMap1 and glMap2.

			      params returns one value,	the maximum number of
			      control points supported in custom fog blending
			      functions.  See glFog and	glFogFuncSGIS.

     GL_MAX_LIGHTS	      params returns one value,	the maximum number of
			      lights.  See glLight.

     GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING      params returns one value,	the maximum recursion
			      depth allowed during display-list	traversal.
			      See glCallList.

			      params returns one value,	the maximum supported
			      depth of the modelview matrix stack.  See

     GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH  params returns one value,	the maximum supported
			      depth of the selection name stack.  See

     GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE   params returns one value,	the maximum supported
			      size of a	glPixelMap lookup table.  See

			      params returns one value,	the maximum supported
			      depth of the projection matrix stack.  See

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     GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE      params returns one value,	the maximum width or
			      height of	any texture image (without borders).
			      See glTexImage1D and glTexImage2D.

			      params returns one value,	the maximum supported
			      depth of the texture matrix stack.  See

     GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS     params returns two values:  the maximum
			      supported	width and height of the	viewport.  See

     GL_MINMAX_EXT	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the pixel	transfer min/max computation
			      is enabled.  See glMinmaxEXT.

     GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX      params returns sixteen values:  the modelview
			      matrix on	the top	of the modelview matrix	stack.
			      See glPushMatrix.

     GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH params returns one value,	the number of matrices
			      on the modelview matrix stack.  See

     GL_MULTISAMPLE_SGIS      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether multisampling is enabled.	 See

     GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH      params returns one value,	the number of names on
			      the selection name stack.	 See glPushMatrix.

     GL_NORMALIZE	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether normals are automatically	scaled to unit
			      length after they	have been transformed to eye
			      coordinates.  See	glNormal.

     GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT	      params returns one value,	the byte alignment
			      used for writing pixel data to memory.  See

     GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT params returns one value,	the image height used
			      for writing (3D) pixel data to memory.  See

     GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether single-bit pixels	being written to
			      memory are written first to the least
			      significant bit of each unsigned byte.  See

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     GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH	      params returns one value,	the row	length used
			      for writing pixel	data to	memory.	 See

     GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT  params returns one value,	the number of 2D
			      images skipped before the	first pixel is written
			      into memory.  See	glPixelStore.

     GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS      params returns one value,	the number of pixel
			      locations	skipped	before the first pixel is
			      written into memory.  See	glPixelStore.

     GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS	      params returns one value,	the number of rows of
			      pixel locations skipped before the first pixel
			      is written into memory.  See glPixelStore.

     GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the bytes	of two-byte and	four-byte
			      pixel indices and	components are swapped before
			      being written to memory.	See glPixelStore.

			      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating the mode of the perspective
			      correction hint.	See glHint.

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the
			      alpha-to-alpha pixel translation table.  See

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the	blue-
			      to-blue pixel translation	table.	See

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the
			      green-to-green pixel translation table.  See

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the
			      index-to-alpha pixel translation table.  See

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the
			      index-to-blue pixel translation table.  See

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the
			      index-to-green pixel translation table.  See

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the
			      index-to-index pixel translation table.  See

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the
			      index-to-red pixel translation table.  See

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the	red-
			      to-red pixel translation table.  See glPixelMap.

     GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE params returns one value,	the size of the
			      stencil-to-stencil pixel translation table.  See

     GL_POINT_SIZE	      params returns one value,	the point size as
			      specified	by glPointSize.

			      params returns one value,	the size difference
			      between adjacent supported sizes for antialiased
			      points.  See glPointSize.

     GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE      params returns two values:  the smallest and
			      largest supported	sizes for antialiased points.
			      See glPointSize.

     GL_POINT_SMOOTH	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether antialiasing of points is	enabled.  See

     GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT     params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating the mode of the point antialiasing
			      hint.  See glHint.

     GL_POLYGON_MODE	      params returns two values:  symbolic constants
			      indicating whether front-facing and back-facing
			      polygons are rasterized as points, lines,	or
			      filled polygons.	See glPolygonMode.

     GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_EXT    params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether polygon offset is	enabled.  See

			      params returns one value,	the constant which is
			      added to the z value of each fragment generated
			      when a polygon is	rasterized.  See

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

			      params returns one value,	the scaling factor
			      used to determine	the variable offset which is
			      added to the z value of each fragment generated
			      when a polygon is	rasterized.  See

     GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether antialiasing of polygons is enabled.
			      See glPolygonMode.

     GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT   params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating the mode of the polygon antialiasing
			      hint.  See glHint.

     GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether stippling	of polygons is enabled.	 See

			      params returns a single value, the bias term to
			      be added to alpha	immediately after
			      multiplication by	the top	of the color matrix
			      stack.  See glPixelTransfer.

			      params returns a single value, the scale factor
			      to be applied to alpha immediately after
			      multiplication by	the top	of the color matrix
			      stack.  See glPixelTransfer.

			      params returns a single value, the bias term to
			      be added to blue immediately after
			      multiplication by	the top	of the color matrix
			      stack.  See glPixelTransfer.

			      params returns a single value, the scale factor
			      to be applied to blue immediately	after
			      multiplication by	the top	of the color matrix
			      stack.  See glPixelTransfer.

			      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether colors are passed	through	a lookup table
			      before being processed by	the histogram
			      operation.  See glColorTableSGI.

			      params returns a single value, the bias term to
			      be added to green	immediately after

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

			      multiplication by	the top	of the color matrix
			      stack.  See glPixelTransfer.

			      params returns a single value, the scale factor
			      to be applied to green immediately after
			      multiplication by	the top	of the color matrix
			      stack.  See glPixelTransfer.

			      params returns a single value, the bias term to
			      be added to red immediately after	multiplication
			      by the top of the	color matrix stack.  See

			      params returns a single value, the scale factor
			      to be applied to red immediately after
			      multiplication by	the top	of the color matrix
			      stack.  See glPixelTransfer.

			      params returns a single value, the bias term to
			      be added to alpha	immediately after convolution.
			      See glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
			      glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	and

			      params returns a single value, the scale factor
			      to be applied to alpha immediately after
			      convolution.  See	glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
			      glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	and

			      params returns a single value, the bias term to
			      be added to blue immediately after convolution.
			      See glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
			      glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	and

			      params returns a single value, the scale factor
			      to be applied to blue immediately	after
			      convolution.  See	glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
			      glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	and

			      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether colors are passed	through	a lookup table

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

			      before being processed by	the color matrix
			      operation.  See glColorTableSGI.

			      params returns a single value, the bias term to
			      be added to green	immediately after convolution.
			      See glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
			      glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	and

			      params returns a single value, the scale factor
			      to be applied to green immediately after
			      convolution.  See	glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
			      glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	and

			      params returns a single value, the bias term to
			      be added to red immediately after	convolution.
			      See glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
			      glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	and

			      params returns a single value, the scale factor
			      to be applied to red immediately after
			      convolution.  See	glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,
			      glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	and

			      params returns two values:  the minimum and
			      maximum values for the texture bias factors.
			      See glTexParameterfv and glTexParameteriv.

			      params returns two values:  the minimum and
			      maximum values for the texture scale factors.

     GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX     params returns sixteen values:  the projection
			      matrix on	the top	of the projection matrix
			      See glPushMatrix.

			      params returns one value,	the number of matrices
			      on the projection	matrix stack.  See

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

     GL_READ_BUFFER	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating which color buffer is selected	for
			      See glReadPixels and glAccum.

     GL_RED_BIAS	      params returns one value,	the red	bias factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.

     GL_RED_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of red
			      bitplanes	in each	color buffer.

     GL_RED_SCALE	      params returns one value,	the red	scale factor
			      used during pixel	transfers.  See

			      params returns four values, the coefficients of
			      the plane	equation for the reference plane,
			      expressed	in clip	coordinates.  See

     GL_REFERENCE_PLANE_SGIX  params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether depth values for pixel fragments are
			      computed from the	reference plane	(true) or from
			      the primitive being drawn	(false).  See

     GL_RENDER_MODE	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating whether the GL	is in render, select,
			      or feedback mode.	 See glRenderMode.

     GL_RGBA_MODE	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the GL is	in RGBA	mode (true) or color
			      index mode (false).  See glColor.

			      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether fragment alpha values will modify	the
			      multisampling fragment mask.  See

			      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether fragment alpha will be set to the
			      maximum possible value after modifying the
			      multisampling fragment mask.  See

     GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_SGIS   params returns one value,	the number of
			      multisample buffers.

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

			      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the multisampling	fragment modification
			      mask is to be inverted.  See glSampleMaskSGIS.

     GL_SAMPLE_MASK_SGIS      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the multisampling	fragment mask will be
			      modified by a coverage mask.  See

			      params returns one value,	the coverage of	the
			      multisampling fragment modification mask.	 See

     GL_SAMPLE_PATTERN_SGIS   params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating the multisampling pattern.  See

     GL_SAMPLES_SGIS	      params returns one value,	the number of samples
			      per pixel	used for multisampling.

     GL_SCISSOR_BOX	      params returns four values:  the x and y window
			      coordinates of the scissor box, follow by	its
			      width and	height.	 See glScissor.

     GL_SCISSOR_TEST	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether scissoring is enabled.  See glScissor.

     GL_SEPARABLE_2D_EXT      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether separable	two-dimensional	convolution
			      will be performed	during pixel transfers.	 See

     GL_SHADE_MODEL	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating whether the shading mode is flat or
			      smooth.  See glShadeModel.

     GL_STENCIL_BITS	      params returns one value,	the number of
			      bitplanes	in the stencil buffer.

     GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE   params returns one value,	the index to which the
			      stencil bitplanes	are cleared.  See

     GL_STENCIL_FAIL	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating what action is	taken when the stencil
			      test fails.  See glStencilOp.

     GL_STENCIL_FUNC	      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating what function is used to compare the
			      stencil reference	value with the stencil buffer

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

			      value.  See glStencilFunc.

			      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating what action is	taken when the stencil
			      test passes, but the depth test fails.  See

			      params returns one value,	a symbolic constant
			      indicating what action is	taken when the stencil
			      test passes and the depth	test passes.  See

     GL_STENCIL_REF	      params returns one value,	the reference value
			      that is compared with the	contents of the
			      stencil buffer.  See glStencilFunc.

     GL_STENCIL_TEST	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether stencil testing of fragments is enabled.
			      See glStencilFunc	and glStencilOp.

     GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK    params returns one value,	the mask that is used
			      to mask both the stencil reference value and the
			      stencil buffer value before they are compared.
			      See glStencilFunc.

     GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK     params returns one value,	the mask that controls
			      writing of the stencil bitplanes.

     GL_STEREO		      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether stereo buffers (left and right) are

     GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS	      params returns one value,	an estimate of the
			      number of	bits of	subpixel resolution that are
			      used to position rasterized geometry in window

     GL_TEXTURE_1D	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 1D texture mapping is enabled.  See

			      params returns a single value, the name of the
			      texture currently	bound to the target
			      GL_TEXTURE_1D.  See glBindTextureEXT.

     GL_TEXTURE_2D	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 2D texture mapping is enabled.  See

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

			      params returns a single value, the name of the
			      texture currently	bound to the target
			      GL_TEXTURE_2D.  See glBindTextureEXT.

     GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether 3D texture mapping is enabled.  See

			      params returns a single value, the name of the
			      texture currently	bound to the target
			      GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT.  See glBindTextureEXT.

			      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether texture colors are passed	through	a
			      lookup table before being	used to	generate pixel
			      fragments.  See glColorTableSGI.

     GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether automatic	generation of the S texture
			      coordinate is enabled.  See glTexGen.

     GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether automatic	generation of the T texture
			      coordinate is enabled.  See glTexGen.

     GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether automatic	generation of the R texture
			      coordinate is enabled.  See glTexGen.

     GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q	      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether automatic	generation of the Q texture
			      coordinate is enabled.  See glTexGen.

     GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX	      params returns sixteen values:  the texture
			      matrix on	the top	of the texture matrix stack.
			      See glPushMatrix.

     GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH   params returns one value,	the number of matrices
			      on the texture matrix stack.  See	glPushMatrix.

     GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT      params returns one value,	the byte alignment
			      used for reading pixel data from memory.	See

			      params returns one value,	the image height used
			      for reading (3D) pixel data from memory.	See

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

     GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST      params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether single-bit pixels	being read from	memory
			      are read first from the least significant	bit of
			      each unsigned byte.  See glPixelStore.

     GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH     params returns one value,	the row	length used
			      for reading pixel	data from memory.  See

     GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES    params returns one value,	the number of images
			      skipped before the first (3D) pixel is read from
			      memory.  See glPixelStore.

     GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS    params returns one value,	the number of pixel
			      locations	skipped	before the first pixel is read
			      from memory.  See	glPixelStore.

     GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS      params returns one value,	the number of rows of
			      pixel locations skipped before the first pixel
			      is read from memory.  See	glPixelStore.

     GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES     params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			      whether the bytes	of two-byte and	four-byte
			      pixel indices and	components are swapped after
			      being read from memory.  See glPixelStore.

     GL_VIEWPORT	      params returns four values:  the x and y window
			      coordinates of the viewport, follow by its width
			      and height.  See glViewport.

     GL_ZOOM_X		      params returns one value,	the x pixel zoom
			      factor.  See glPixelZoom.

     GL_ZOOM_Y		      params returns one value,	the y pixel zoom
			      factor.  See glPixelZoom.

     Many of the Boolean parameters can	also be	queried	more easily using

     GL_INVALID_ENUM is	generated if pname is not an accepted value.

     GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glGet	is executed between the
     execution of glBegin and the corresponding	execution of glEnd.

     GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE_SGI are part of the SGI_color_table
     extension which is	not supported on RealityEngine,	RealityEngine2,	and
     VTX systems.

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glGet(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			     glGet(3G)

     RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and	VTX and	High Impact and	Maximum	Impact
     systems do	not support GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_2D_BINDING_SGIS.

     The SGIX_interlace	extension is supported only on InfiniteReality systems
     and on RealityEngine, RealityEngine2, and VTX systems.

     On	InfiniteReality	systems, if the	post-texture filter scale and bias
     values are	set to values other than the defaults, they are	limited	to the
     range [0.0, 1.0).	(note: this range excludes 1.0.)  The
     SGIX_texture_scale_bias extension is not supported	on RealityEngine,
     RealityEngine2, and VTX systems or	on High	Impact and Maximum Impact

     glGetClipPlane, glGetError, glGetLight, glGetMap, glGetMaterial,
     glGetPixelMap, glGetPolygonStipple, glGetString, glGetTexEnv,
     glGetTexGen, glGetTexImage, glGetTexLevelParameter, glGetTexParameter,

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